Two pathways – fighting climate change and revitalizing treaty relationships – are now coming together. And that’s a good thing for everybody. When you’re battling climate change, you need warriors. We are those warriors. Our weapons are not guns. We’re armed with wisdom and love for the natural world.
We are Stewardship Warriors.
Larry Sault - CEO of Anwaatin
Climate Summit of the Americas

We are currently at a crossroads. The twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss intersect with the resurgence of Indigenous self-determination and sovereignty. There is an opportunity for environmental reconciliation, and for all people to reconsider their relationship with the living Earth.
Planning a viable future requires resourcing - there must be a sustained source of income.

Indigenous Peoples have been managing their lands and waters for thousands of years and are the traditional caretakers.

Indigenous-led conservation offers a path forward: The conservation and protection of biodiversity and the resurgence of Indigenous self-determination go hand-in-hand.

Nature Based Solutions are actions to protect, manage and restore territory. To be successful, these solutions must be led by and benefit Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous rights and responsibilities must be respected and adhered to in all solutions to climate change and biodiversity loss.

An Indigenous Business
Providing technical support and opportunities to ensure Indigenous communities are front and centre in fighting climate change

Supporting Reconciliation
Revitalizing and re-imagining treaty relationships between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous communities across Turtle Island to enhance and strengthen ecosystems

Working Alongside Indigenous Stewardship Warriors
Working with Indigenous ecological stewards on the front lines of climate change action